300 Taking Hits with Jessa Reed


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Listen to Jessa shame me for not voting.

Listen and love Jessaā€™s podcast, Soberish.

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Welcome to Synchronicity...

This weekā€™s guest is the one and only:


Jessa Reed

The host of Soberish,

Her inaccurately named podcast about:

Conscious & Awakening

Aliens & Interdependence

Manifestation & Hacking Reality


ā€œYou know Jessa. Weā€™re like the 1-2-combo. We get it from our fans. They bounce back between our podcasts. Weā€™re fucking woo, but weā€™re not lame. We talk about stuff thatā€™s cool and important.ā€ - Noah


Jessa is super fucking dope.


For this episode,

Noah and Jessa focus on:

-The Current Energy

-Uncertainty // Stuckness

-Political Banter & Voting Stuff


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Reverse Engineering Physical Imbalance (7:17) 

Fighting through Jessaā€™s late stage tick-bite induced brain-fog and Noahā€™s Turkey antibiotic bender flashbacks, the dynamic duo dive into the difficulties of dealing with physical ailments, as opposed to mental, psychic, and spiritual issues.


ā€œFor me itā€™s always easier to do the emotional, psychological, or spiritual, but then the physical stuff happens and Iā€™ll immediately turn into a baby and forget every single thing Iā€™ve ever known.ā€ - Noah


ā€œIf youā€™re around me, I seem dramatic when Iā€™m in physical pain because Iā€™m chronicling it the entire time, but itā€™s part of this system I have down. My way of dealing with pain or illness usually is: Iā€™ll google the thing and what it looks like. At one point, I started getting ear infections, so then I googled what the inner ear looks like, and I can reverse-engineer whatā€™s out of balance.ā€ - Jessa


Hacking Belief // Bypassing Spiritual Bypass (10:08)

Anything that happens to youā€¦      ...Assume itā€™s there so you can hack it.

Whatever you assume...            ...is actually whatā€™s happening. 

Everything that happens to youā€¦       ... is a stepping stone for realization.

Invite yourself toā€¦        ...Bypass Spiritual Bypass


ā€œIā€™ve been doing a lot of work to try to bypass spiritual bypassing, because there are a lot of higher dimensional truths, that when you throw them at 3rd dimensional experience, theyā€™re not helpful.ā€ - Jessa


Your Perspective Changes Reality


Itā€™s having something bad happen to you and thinking:

ā€œThis happened because bad things always happen to meā€


ā€œThis happened to me because Iā€™m meant to hack this experience and help myself and others learn from it.ā€


Change Your Perspective

No Matter Whatā€¦                ...Always Have Fun

Change Reality






ā€œYou put yourself in situations so you have that inside-out perspective, so then when youā€™re talking about overcoming it, youā€™re not speculating. Thatā€™s a big turning point for everyone when they stop speculating about how they think things are, and now theyā€™ve actually gone through it. You can immediately tell when someoneā€™s talking about something whether theyā€™re guessing or they actually have some practical useful thing to get through. Thatā€™s a huge fucking superpower.ā€ - Noah


Unlock a radiant treasure chest of cosmic goodies by joining the Synchronicity Patreon for access to the discord server, music releases, bonus episodes, discounts on readings, and group chill sessions.


Power of Surrender // Validity of Hopelessness  (14:14)

Noah and Jessa dig into how the validity of hopelessness uncovers the power of surrender. 

Fighting against something is

Exhausting // Pushing Energy // Hyper-Focused

Where instead, an

Allowing // Surrendering

Style of Energy

Will Open




ā€œI think the physical stuff, we perceive it as so horrible because itā€™s so acute and draws our mind to it, but thatā€™s itā€™s function. You canā€™t escape this now. Itā€™s the densist part of reality that we experience, so logically the more ethereal something is, the longer it will take to go down to the physical.ā€ - Noah


Playful Curiosity // The Divine Masculine //  7D (17:37)

...Listen to the clues..

...Get Playful...

Page    of    Cups

style        of     energy

In        the     Tarot

Thereā€™s a lot of weird stuff out there.

If thereā€™s a weird fish coming out of your cupā€¦

Donā€™t    Freak   Out

Stay Comfortable in the Weirdness.

We are currently integrating the

5th    +    6th     Dimensions

The 7D Download

Is coming in



According to Jessa

ā€œ7D, so far, is just a fucking crisp glass of water. I think by 2019 standards 2021 is still gonna have a lot of death in it, but by 2020 standards, 2021 has a lot of new birth; new birth born of the death, especially the death coming in the next couple of months.ā€ - Jessa


A 6D-to-7D Guide to Collapsing Obligatory Systems (19:19)

6D asks deep internal questions of:

 ā€œWhat do you wantā€       

ā€œWhat did you come here to do?ā€

ā€œWhat is your passion?ā€


These questions began to collapse the obligatory systems of the old world.


The 7D Earth Energy:



-Massive Awakenings-

-Reconnecting with Nature-

-Internal & Systemic Realizations-

-Realizing Everything is Everything is Everything-


ā€œFor all the things that could go wrong in an infinite reality, shit doesnā€™t really go wrong. We look at coronavirus, and it's not a good thing, but this could have wiped out 90% of the population...it could have been the worst case scenario, But what it seems to be doing is gently guiding us towards forced change. You canā€™t actually run the old patterns. It stops themā€ - Noah


ā€œThe death will continue for a couple years. The old world is dying. How much you identify with it, is how much of that you will experience.ā€ - Jessa 


Adaptability is a major theme of 2020, and Autumn beautifully represents this as the Earth adapts herself to the coming transformation of Winter, embracing every color in the spectrum. How can you invoke this power and manifest on the fly in the face of unpredictable circumstances? Discover how to become your own adaptogen and flow seamlessly through the light spectrum. Book A Reading with Noah


 The Revolution Will Not Be Legislated (24:18)

Higher Dimensions Are Happening For Everyone.

The Old Systems Are Dying.


ā€œFor people who think the election is going to change anything, there is a big potential there to get hurt in the expectation. Iā€™m voting, so that I can say this, but there is no part of me that thinks that the revolution will be legislated.ā€ - Jessa


ā€œWhat I try to talk about on my podcast is empowering people and showing them that no matter whatā€™s going on, you have this core sense of who you are that is always there, and that is the generative, operative mechanism that shapes this external world. A lot of people in the game weā€™re playing have to realize that, collectively, to actually reshape this place to make it what we envision it to be, starts with realizing: You can actually do what you want to be doing.ā€ - Noah


The Obligatory ā€˜Two White Folk Talkinā€™ Privilege on a Podcast in 2020ā€™ Segment (30:17) 

Noah and Jessa talk the fine line and touchy intersection between manifestation and privilege in 2020.


Your Privilege can be Guilt.


It can be Guiding Light for others.


Your Manifestation can be Selfish


It can be used to Bless Others


Activism is fine, 

But donā€™t 

O v e r e x t e n d 

Y o u r s e l f

...If you want to help...

Stabilize      Your      Own      Shit


We are going to learn to hold space for 

Different Perspectives.

We donā€™t have to agree with them.

We just start to understand how they fit into the grand scheme of things.


Unmasking Anti-Maskers // Matrix Conspiracy // Shadow Work (34:24)

Unmasking the anti-mask movement, Jessa uncovers the conspiracy of the unraveling matrix.


ā€œUnderneath all of this unrest, the batteries in the matrix are coming out of the matrix, and thereā€™s a sensation weā€™re being lied to and thereā€™s a sensation that nothing is what it seems. Then, kind of whatever you get introduced to - like Donald Trump saving children from pedophiles that live underground in LA - feels true...This chaos and fighting is going to happen for the next year, and I think a lot of peopleā€™s awakening is going to come via that.ā€ - Jessa 


ā€œI started getting experience where I started pulling a lot of shadow material out. I think this stuff is being dragged out of us, by us, and exposed. Then, if you get trapped in this pattern where you think this is just your life, you run it over and over again until youā€™re ready to pop out of it. I do think these waves that are coming, which is going to feel like an apocalypse for a lot of people, are designed not only to wake people up, but to level them up.ā€ -Noah


Trump & The Collective Shadow, & Toxic Codependency (41:01)

Some fired up Jessa gold illuminates the collective shadow



Trump is our collective shadow

Weā€™ve lived in a state of being gaslit.

We have perpetuated the gaslighting on marginalized communities.

If you are white, can you imagine living in a marginalized community?

White people have lived in this fantasy worldā€¦ā€¦.

ā€¦.....where everyone lives in the same reality,

...Where you ā€˜pull yourself up by the bootstrapsā€¦.ā€™


Now this person, Trump comes along,

And all of the

Lies and Manipulations

That were being done 

in the Dark,

Are now

Right in front of our face

In a way that is

Overstimulating & Traumatizing


He represents what is wrong with our society:

-- -- --


Toxic Codependency


-- -- --

He has forced us to look at it in a way that will be recognized everywhere it exists from now on.


There is no unringing this bell



Lift the cosmic veil to uncover the new Synchronicity Twitch for hangouts, music fun, Ableton tutorials, and other good stuff swirling around the creative ether. Itā€™s legitimately super fun.


ParaSympathy For The Devilā€™s Avatar? (44:20)

Is it a benevolent act to incarnate as Donald Trump?

Can being triggered point your way to salvation?

Is Trumpā€™s blind bullheadedness a form of manifestation?


Find out here!

As Jessa and Noah actively disagree with each other while actually kind of agreeing, but itā€™s okay because itā€™s 2020 and thatā€™s what weā€™re learning to do.


ā€œThe people who are most triggered by him, usually arenā€™t personally affected. Iā€™ve found, at least for me, when I start feeling like that [triggered] about anyone, itā€™s usually my own shit. Thereā€™s usually a behavior I tend to exhibit - not in that specific way - but Iā€™ll do it and I donā€™t want to face it. So, I think heā€™s forcing people to get the lesson...ā€ - Noah


ā€œ...I also think in a twisted way, what would it take for soul to choose to incarnate as Donald Trump? Itā€™s a weirdly benevolent act...like, youā€™re eating karmic shit all the time. This isnā€™t going to set up well in the karmic balance of whatā€™s going on. Thatā€™s a crazy fucking avatar to put on. So, thereā€™s this weird fucking trikster energy there. Itā€™s like he believes in his reality so much it just happens for him.ā€ - Noah


ā€œI donā€™t think thatā€™s true at all.  God, I fucking already regret this episode...ā€ - Jessa 


ā€œ...I swore I was never going to talk about this publically. There are certain souls on the planet who, when I tap in their energy, donā€™t feel like they have a connection to their Higher Selfā€¦ā€ - Jessa 


Jessa explains:

...We all have a bluetooth connection to our Higher Self...  

So lets say: 

You have an Ego.

You have a Higher Self.

Your Life is your Higher Self

Writing out things for you,

Then your ego is learning the lessons

The awakening process is realizing that the Higher Self is also


The post-awakening process is 

The Higher Self taking over the avatar

And you get to live as a 

Galactic Being on the Plant.



There are certain types of beings on the planet,

That donā€™t feel like they have this connection

Those beings are 100% ego.

They are mirrors.

They are programmable.

They just want you to tell them they are doing a good job.

They are almost robots.

Some type of trauma disconnected them from their Higher Selves.

Now they are just looking around like A.I. for who congratulates them.


ā€œ[Trump] doesnā€™t have fucking ounce of conviction in anything he says. I read energy for a living. He doesnā€™t believe anything heā€™s saying.ā€ - Jessa


ā€œI agree that people can lose the connection with that Higher Self, the intuitive heart, what you actually need to really express yourself as a cosmic being, but I donā€™t think itā€™s gone. I donā€™t think itā€™s absent. I think itā€™s blocked.ā€ - Noah


ā€œHeā€™s like a lessonā€™s machine if you know how to look at him. You can become weirdly grateful that that energy exists. Itā€™s nothing to do with him as a person or for what he believes in ethically or morally. I donā€™t vibe with any of that, but heā€™s so polarizing, that to me thereā€™s some energy there that feels not just shadow-negative.ā€ - Noah


He is showing us the shadow.

Itā€™s up to each of us in our realities

To all Manifest, Create, and Build

A reality that is more in accord with

Compassion, Equality, & Love


Noah recently dropped the latest Synchronicity Playlist. These playlists are good for remembering who you are. If one were to take psychedelics and listen to these, there's a good chance fun stuff will happen...You get it.


Answer for Your Ancestors (55:55)

Whatā€™s coming?

A calibration to the natural order


ā€œThe people that are oppressed are the people who actually know how to work this planet. White supremacy is essentially not letting the people who know how to fly the plane in the cockpitā€ - Jessa


The people in charge are not fit by a fuckign long stretch.

A balance will be restored.

...For that balanceā€¦

-- We   need   to   make   amends --

We have to give back the things that were stolen.

Thatā€™s not politics.

Thatā€™s the energy on the planet.

We did something wrong.

Itā€™s ok to be like

ā€œFuck, Iā€™m sorry.ā€


Our society, how itā€™s set up, is


Our relationships donā€™t work.

Our school system doesnā€™t work

All of it.

From the ground up.

None of it works because itā€™s run by unconscious greedy fucks.


ā€œThe worst of our energy is in charge of everything, and thatā€™s why itā€™s blowing up right now because itā€™s definitely out of wack. The way our social structures are set up is the old world, and in order to get to the new world, we have to fix that, and part of that is just looking at the ugliness of it, and saying, ā€˜Fuck, I was a part of this.ā€™ā€ - Jessa 


ā€œThis is the shit that has to happen if people wonā€™t willingly face what energy gets them to either participate in fighting systemic injustice, or be complacent with it. These are the overt events that almost seemingly have to take place. Itā€™s almost like the analogy of experiencing physical symptoms. If youā€™re not dealing with it on an energetic level, youā€™re going to get it out in the world.ā€ - Noah


A Whole New World // Feeling Feelings & Giving a Fuck (1:01:08)

Noah and Jessa talk about the new world breaking through the veil of our old world, and how the current suffering is not nigh. Relief, respite, and liberation comes from your own wonderful human imagination.


ā€œI fucking hate to watch people suffering right now, but I have seen glimpses of the new world, and itā€™s going to be beautiful for the people who are suffering right now. You are being moved to the front of the line.ā€ - Jessa


ā€œThe only thing I know to bring to that table is, ā€˜Where can I bring relief?ā€™ To me, thatā€™s teaching people how to hack the matrix, itā€™s teaching people how to use their power, itā€™s teaching people that they are God, and making that information available for free.ā€ - Jessa


The Questions (1:11:11)

In summary, Noah might vote now, 

and these are Jessaā€™s answers:


Favorite Color:   Blue

Favorite Number:    9

Favorite Animal:     Bird

  Practical Tip:   Learn how to take a hit


No matter the external circumstances, remember:

You Are God Hacking the Matrix.

All Your Dreams Are Coming True

You Are On The Best Timeline


Thank you for listening! Please head on over to the Synchronicity Patreon for Bonus Episodes, Monthly Group Readings, Smoke Sessions, Discounts on Readings, access to the Discord Server, and early access to music and other goodies. 

Happy Imagining.

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